The Big Bang Theory The Flas Sweepstakes |

The Big Bang Theory The Flas Sweepstakes

Welcome The Big Bang Theory The Flas SweepstakesWin a tickets or gift cards Oven you can enter now, by followings terms and conditions to join these Online contests, Sweepstakes and Giveaway. Participants must visit Interested candidates can submit their entry before the last date of submission. Sweepstakes – The Big Bang Theory The Flas Sweepstakes

Hurry!! Join this contest before the last date of submission by following steps and rules.

Eligibility:- 18 years of age or older. Sweepstakes Frequency

  • Start Date:– May 27, 2023
  • End Date:- June 17, 2023 

Bigbangtheoryweeknights com Sweepstakes Prizes

  • (1) National Grand Prize: winner will each receive A Five Thousand Dollar American Express gift card (terms and conditions of the American Express gift card will apply), A Warner Bros. Prize Pack ($25.00) to be determined by Sponsor. AVR of National Grand Prize: (US $5,025.00).
  • (15) National Daily Prize: winners will each receive A Five Hundred Dollar gift card or cash or cash equivalent (as determined by Sponsor in Sponsor’s sole discretion), A Warner Bros. Prize Pack ($25.00) to be determined by Sponsor, Tickets for two admissions to “THE FLASH” at a theater near Prizewinner’s residence (ARV of $24.00). AVR of each National Daily Prize: (US $549.00).
  • (500) National Runner-Up Prize: winners will each receive Tickets for two admissions to “THE FLASH” at a theater near Prize winner’s residence (ARV of $24.00). AVR of each National Runner-Up Prize

Special Gift Offer: The first 500 eligible entrants who successfully enter the Sweepstakes will also receive one pair of Aperol-branded, one-size-fits-most socks.

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The big bang theory the flash giveaway

Official Rules
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